Manifesto 2021
Why I am running
am answering the call of so many for more female representation in our Parliament. I also have a personal motivation to enter our Parliament’s hallowed halls to represent women, the family, particularly our youth and older folks. To give voice to the people bringing forth burning issues to Parliament and ensure that the District Councils enshrined in our Constitution are brought into being so that the electorate will have a more significant say and role in what goes on in our constituencies. I believe that democracy works, and there is greater equality when persons like myself step out and undertake the hardships of running. The rigours of managing the public’s business is a noble calling and a worthwhile thing to do. I desire to continue serving you the Prospect constituents and the wider Cayman Islands, as I have done for almost a decade as your community leader. I know that I will continue enhancing our community and tackling issues that will improve ALL lives and not just a select few.
According to our history, it is now 50 years since women have had the right to vote. A total of more than 35 women have run for political office, and in 50 years, only 11 have been voted in to be members of Parliament. Currently, only 3 out of 19 Parliamentarians are women. With your vote and support, I know that we can build a strong democracy with an equal gender balance. With a more cohesive community, we can accomplish more of our goals and have a stronger intergenerational country. Cayman touts as a first-world country, yet we have pockets of poverty and people who are not benefitting from the Cayman Economic miracle. Constituents from Prospect have approached me to be their voice to represent them in Parliament to achieve their hopes and dreams for themselves, their children and grandchildren. I believe that community works, but it begins with standing with the less fortunate, especially our young people, listening, engaging, and recognizing potential where others see only despair.
A self-contained constituency with all the amenities people wants to enjoy close to home. Employment for our constituents, more health care facilities, recreational facilities indoor and outside, daycare for older persons, mentoring, and after-school care. I would like to see more small businesses. I want to make Prospect a model that other districts want to follow as they did with the Prospect Community group. Much of the infrastructure to achieve this is already in Prospect; we need to work with Government and private developers to bring forth this vision. We have three beach accesses that our Prospect residents should have access to, but they are lying fallow for years, obstructed by bushes and cement. Vote me in, and I will get them developed. I am confident that I am the right person to achieve this vision. I will use my voice in the hallowed halls of Parliament to make our vision and dreams for Prospect a reality. You know what I am saying is true. You have shared your dreams and hopes for Prospect with me over the years, and I have listened; now is the time for you to vote me into Parliament because you know that I am a hard worker and will achieve your objectives as I have done in the past as the leader of the Prospect Community group.
I am running alone as an Independent. To achieve our dreams for Prospect, I will have to work with the Government formed after the Election. I don’t want to be all talk and no action, as people say most politicians are. You know that when I set my mind to anything, I do not stop until I get it done. Vote me in, and I will get your hopes and dreams for Prospect realized.
I will continue to enhance the Prospect community by working closely with the Prospect/ Red Bay Community Group (PRBC).
I will support the establishment of District Councils in accordance with the Constitution.
I will continue to work with the constituents to combat petty crime through Community Policing.
I will expand the Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.) so that Prospect remains a resilient community in any natural disaster. I will encourage as many constituents as possible to be C.E.R.T. Certified and continue to build our resources so that we become a self-sustaining community working as one.
I want to make use of the Government facilities in the area to ensure we offer activities that will assist in community building in Prospect. Workshops in cultural development include art, music, and local cuisine, with all generations interacting.
I will partner with the Government Community Development Officers to ensure that Prospect is involved in community building activities and interaction in Prospect and around the islands.
I will make sure the development of the Eddie Sanchez Community park is completed.
I will establish a Committee to develop the beach and shoreline accesses in Prospect.
I will use schools during their off-hours as community Centers where young and old can learn skills and develop hobbies where generations can have the opertunity to mingle and pass on history.
I will work to establish effective youth programmes with competitive sports programs at the district level.
I will expand Neighborhood Watch.
I will identify parcels of land already owned by the Government to use as mini-parks and or gardens and build low-cost/affordable homes.
I will promote new arrangements for the collection and disposal of garbage.
I will work with the Department of Environmental Health and develop a neighbourhood recycling programme.
I will work with the Older Person Council to develop a Chapter in Prospect.
I will encourage Social Organizations such as Scouts, Brownies, Girls Guide and a Women’s Family Support group in Prospect.
I will work closely with various organizations to develop groups to work with young people in their social development.
I will bring generations together so they can learn from each other and keep our Caymanian culture alive.
I will work closely to develop our community’s relationship with the Royal Cayman Islands Police to ensure they have positive interactions with our young people and better understand our Community.
High on my agenda is to make Prospect, the most harmonious community by encouraging people to help one another and partner with community agencies to enhance a culture of togetherness.
As a woman parliamentarian, I want to strengthen the family unit by enhancing parenting skills, promoting strong work ethics at home and school, and empowering women and girls to reach their full potential, take their seat at the table, and have equal opportunities.
Young men must find their rites of passage today as they did when they went to sea to ensure that the “New Caymanians” are acculturated into Caymanian society. And encourage Cayman to be an age-friendly and gender-friendly society.
I want to encourage the preservation of our environment so that our children can enjoy the Cayman that we knew and loved. We must always maintain a balance between economic progress and environmental conservation.
I want to ensure that our young people engage in participatory politics at the grassroots level by guaranteeing that Civics are in the curriculum. We can utilize our Older Caymanians to teach this subject to our children from elementary to college. I will encourage young people to become involved in District Councils, which I intend to set up.
It is said that Cayman has one of the most robust economies in the Caribbean, it is termed an ‘Economic Miracle’. Yet while I do my visits, some people tell me they are not benefiting. In such a strong economy, we need to pivot how we look at opportunities, employment, and wages as there are innovative and sustainable solutions that we can explore.
Cost of living is a result of many factors perceived or real. If the vulnerable people are unskilled, untrained, or uneducated, living costs can be a real issue.
For those who are skilled and have jobs, the cost of living has a totally different meaning.
If Caymanians feel they are second-class citizens and have no way out, they will feel marginalized. Legislators have a duty to take these feelings into account and must do what is necessary to address these issues. The people consistently say that they can’t make it on their salary and that their career mobility and growth is stifled. They constantly complain that non-Caymanian employees are preferred and that the more lucrative employment goes to them even though they may have the same or less qualifications than our Caymanians. These issues must be addressed if we are to sustain a harmonious society. Empirical evidence must be collected and remedial action taken by relevant agencies to address these imbalances where they exist.
There has to be a review of living conditions.
There has to be a review of wages and salaries.
There has to be a review of workforce planning to ascertain what jobs are needed and that locals are trained to fill those jobs. If it is found that the locals are left out in the cold, then it must be addressed legislatively to improve their conditions so that locals benefit from the ‘Economic Miracle’.
The minimum wage should be developed according to categories.
A strong push must be made to ensure our people are upskilled for available positions.
A robust economic plan must be developed to ensure that the Government and Private sector contribute equally to ease the socio-economic disadvantages of their employees e.g. health insurance, and review the Pension Law to ensure that pensions are paid to older persons throughout their lifetime.
Legislation must be put in place for locals to have more significant opportunities to own houses, buy land and set up small businesses. The central thrust of the Cayman Islands Development Bank (CIDB) must be to help locals improve entrepreneurially and socially. This is the entity that must be the conduit for Government to support its peoples, so they benefit from our ‘Economic Miracle’. All development funds, including scholarships, must be funded through CIDB. This is a much better system than having a little bit in each Ministry.
The basket of goods used to ascertain the cost of living must be revised. The Trade and Business Licensing Department must be reviewed and legislation enacted to ensure that Caymanians are favoured. Caymanians should be encouraged to start home-based businesses. A Small Vendors Law should be developed, enabling more locals to be self-employed. We must encourage a new approach to assisting working parents whose salary falls below the poverty line with care support.
We must ensure that all reductions in duty are fully passed on to the consumer.
Government must encourage businesses and individuals to take up Loss of Business insurance to minimize losses in the event of catastrophes.
Government should set up a Consumer Protection Agency and enact a Fair-Trading Law and encourage individuals to make additional financial investments to supplement their pension.
Are young Caymanians lazy and do not want to work? A study must be done to find out if this is really true. Steps must be taken to address the findings through the Human Resource Agencies in Government.
Government should also be subject to the Work Permit laws relating to the hiring of expatriate workers. Government must put in legislation to ensure that the workforce in every business in Cayman is at least 60 percent Caymanian, working with the Education Dept to ensure that students graduating from post-secondary education and university are placed in jobs appropriate to their skills and education.
Caymanian students going to a Locally registered tertiary learning facility should be given full scholarships with an incentive programme developed towards acquiring full-time employment.
Students who need to take out a loan from CIDB to study should have a special loan plan with low-interest rates and should have at least half of their loan waived upon successful completion of their studies. This will not only help them get on their feet in the real world but be successful contributors to our society.
I will fight to see that all older persons will receive a pension by developing a National Pension scheme.
Health insurance is a massive contributor to the cost of living. The cost of premiums continues to increase, and private insurance providers can cherry-pick their customers, leaving the Government saddled with high risk, the unemployed, disadvantaged, and children. I will support legislation implementing National Health Insurance, selecting one or two companies to manage the plan. They would be tasked with lobbying better rates and better coverage. With everyone in one pool, we can get better coverage and better rates. We can no longer have Caymanians relocating elsewhere for retirement because of health insurance and the cost of living. We are losing persons who can contribute much to our Islands.
We need to explore other sources of energy provision for lower electricity rates to consumers. The energy that can be acquired from waste for example, should be explored and piloted at our Waste Management Facility (the Dump). This would have a significant impact on our environment and reduction of our carbon footprint.
Flooding is a great problem in Prospect which is low lying. With increased development and its impact on natural drainage, flooding has become significantly worse over the years. A study needs to be carried out to find solutions to address flooding.
I pledge to work with Government to address flooding and coastal works.
I pledge to work with the Government to introduce legislation requiring property developers to include infrastructure that will incorporate sidewalks, stormwater runoff and drainage.
I will work with Government to ensure that all drains and gutters have a regular maintenance program, especially during the rainy season.
I support implementing a reliable Mass Transit system, regulated and only use eco-friendly and low emission type vehicles with priority bus lanes.
Caymanians who own businesses in the public transportation industry are currently struggling to make a living. They will be invited to be a part of the development of the transit system they will have the opportunity to be employed and/or their business contracted at a fair value. This will protect their jobs keep this industry sustainable.
I will support legislation that would allow Water Taxi via the North Sound Waterway on vessels to accommodate passengers and motor vehicles not exceeding specific carrying capacities with dedicated drop-off and pick-up schedule and locations, such as GTYC (George Town Yacht Club) and or Camana Bay.
I will support legislation that would designate car park depots with 24-hour security. People can park their cars then take the bus commuting to George Town and the Seven-Mile Beach corridor.
I will support legislation that would introduce parking meters in George Town and along the Seven-Mile Beach corridor.
I will support legislation that works with insurance companies to offer lower rates as an incentive to persons purchasing eco-friendly and low emission motor vehicles.
Education is essential to personal and national development, all children have talents, and educators must appreciate these and give each child the ability to excel. Our children must be the best that they can be, whether academic, vocational or technologically inclined.
One of our primary resources is our people. We must have better access to appropriate educational options in preparation for Tertiary, Post-Secondary education, and/or the world of work. I firmly believe that the education system must be a system where not just 20% of our children benefit and are appropriately prepared for Tertiary Education or Post-Secondary Education. According to the last census, only about 22% of our Caymanian workforce have gone through Tertiary or Post-Secondary Education. Post-Secondary education is a must if Caymanians are to be competitive in their own country and move up the socio-economic level.
I will support legislation granting FREE education for our Caymanian children ages 0-6 years. This is to ease the financial burden on households for daycare and domestic help. I will also support regulating and holding all preschools/early learning institutions to a minimum standard. This would allow ALL of our children to have the same competencies, thus identifying any learning challenges before age 5 and before entering “big school.” Expand the early intervention programs so that any issues that children have are identified and addressed early. Once the child transfers to elementary school, there must be sufficient teachers in place to continue working with those children and the issues identified.
We must invest in and prepare our people to be global citizens. We must subscribe to educating our children at a level that will prepare them to be competitive globally, not just in Cayman.
I will support a mandatory apprentice system ensuring all get a foot in the employment door and prevent anyone from falling below the poverty line.
I sincerely believe we need to put in a plan to encourage more
Caymanians to take up teaching.
We know there is a problem in attracting Caymanians to become teachers. What is it preventing people from entering and staying in the profession? We need to know and know urgently.
Six form programs and A levels MUST be part of our public high schools. It will incentivize our children to work to higher standards. Our public education system should never be a political football. We must elevate a system where teachers and parents, through consultation, can work together for the good of the children.
Pathways for children’s careers and work ethics must start from day one in schools so that our children become skilled in learning and become critical thinkers.
We must also make sure that education and training do not stop at sixteen.
Our teachers must be adequately resourced to work with mixed abilities. Regardless of the child’s grade and aptitude, each child leaving school should have the ability to advance themselves with a job, a trade or a profession.
We need an inclusive system where parents know and realize they are partners in their children’s education and schools become a community, with schools strengthening the partnerships for a better educated Caymanian citizenship. Teachers are in “loco parentis” with parenting. In this partnership, teachers and parents each have a 50% stake in raising and socially educating each child in the Cayman Islands. Our future depends on having our children educated and having international and local experience.
It behooves business and the planners in Education to establish the best system whereby our children are prepared for the world of work and have options to access and improve their workforce abilities.
I want to influence the policymakers in Education to establish Cayman Employment and business partnerships, launching apprenticeships and internships programs, making it mandatory for those who finish high school or college. If this is done, the allegation that we hear so often today that Caymanians are lazy or ill-equipped for the work force would not be accurate.
There must be a partnership with Government and business to ensure that these systems work and the right incentives are put in place to ensure success. Once our students have completed their Tertiary or Post-secondary Education, we must ensure that they are placed in jobs appropriate to their skills and monitored and followed up to see that they are adjusting, thus ensuring success in their chosen career. Their progress must be monitored and documented.
We have to improve our students’ employment opportunities if we want them to benefit from the Cayman ‘Economic Miracle’ and increase this figure of only 22% of the Caymanian workforce being college-educated. We must improve on this 22% figure if we want our people to benefit from the Cayman ‘Economic Miracle’.
This means that we have to begin from preschool, and parents, family members, and teachers must play their part in educating and raising our children. As Hillary Clinton said, “It takes a village to raise a child.”We must do this in Cayman if we want to educate and raise our children to share and benefit from the Cayman ‘Economic Miracle’.
I will work to repeal the policy preventing ex-pat children from attending public schools along with our Caymanian children as in the old days. This is discrimination and segregation. We must encourage all those who come to live among us to acclimate to our Caymanian culture, mores, customs and ethos. We must all be one.
I will promote a centre where our high school and Post-Secondary students who need extra help, particularly those from vulnerable families, can get the help they need. Voluntary and/or some paid staff must be available to assist in the evenings and/or weekends. They must also have access to computers and appropriate technology.
I will encourage any Prospect resident who does not have secondary certification to attend locally registered tertiary learning facility to pursue the General Education Diploma Certificate. I will support the setting up of a fund to give financial aid to those who need it, ensuring that the people young and old improve their academic standing.
I have a proven track record of my ability to build “community” back into Prospect, and with your support and being elected into Parliament, I can acquire more for Prospect.
Champion equality for all.
Make a path for opportunities to allow sustainable development.
Increase employment opportunities, promote retention of Caymanians in the workforce.
Ensure all Caymanians have adequate and affordable health care.
Promote a national pension plan for all Caymanians.
Fight for a living wage for our people so that they don’t fall below the poverty line.
The next four years will mark perhaps the most significant socio-economic changes in the Cayman Islands. The advent of the Coronavirus will undoubtedly be a change agent for determining and facilitating our future.
The stress on the social landscape, health, and economy of these islands will undoubtedly have to be revisited if we want to retain this ‘Economic Miracle’. and have an empowered middle class. We must revisit our health structure, enabling us to create a life of longevity and advance our general well-being.
But more importantly, we have to collaborate, compromise and interact with like minds if our country is to be competitive and produce a well-educated population up-skilled for a newer knowledge base economy.
Significantly the action plans we produce as individual’s, party or groupings must have the people first and a methodology of how we plan to leave no one behind.
We especially have to create Cayman as an age-friendly society making sure that our vast population of older persons always have opportunities, empathy and provisions to advance their well-being and maintain their dignity until their passing.
Visiting your homes and contacting you through social and electronic media, we have engaged on the issues you wish to prioritize and acted upon when you elected me as your representative. After doing this, I have put together a Manifesto for all to see what you and I want to do for our Prospect Constituency and the country as a whole. But we have to realize that although we have these priorities, needs and aspirations, I am running as an independent. If I am successful, priorities may have to change from what you and I want for Prospect due to circumstances. As you well know, there has to be a coalescing of different groups or individuals to form the Government. I pledge and commit to working with the Government formed to put Prospect first, as I have indicated in OUR manifesto. This manifesto is predominantly focused on what WE stand for and what WE aspire to have for Prospect.
However, once I become part of a group, no member of the group will be able to achieve all that they have put in their Manifesto. As you know after elections, there will be intensive horse-trading, compromising and bartering to form a Government. I pledge to you, I will not change the goals and aims in OUR Manifesto, but we might have to achieve them differently over the four years. You know that the action items in OUR Manifesto when completed will make a difference to the social, economic, educational, and physical development of Prospect.
I pledge to you that I will come back to you and get your views on any changes that may have to be made to achieve our hopes and dreams for Prospect.
This is my promise, I will be your Voice and your Hope if you make me your Choice on April 14th 2021.